disc golf dallas
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Disc O Inferno Disc Golf Store Disc O Inferno is your source for all of your disc golf needs!
Welcome to Disc-O-Inferno, your source for some of the hottest custom
dyed discs and accesories on the internet. It will be a slow start up
but we will be offering many more products in the upcoming future. As
we set up shop you will see more of our custom dyes as well as special
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Keep visiting us and feel free to send us ideas of disc designs you
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What is Disc Golf anyway? Disc golf (also known as "frisbee golf"
and "Folf" or "Frolf") is played much like traditional
golf. Players use flying discs (golf discs or Frisbees®) and play
holes that start with a tee area and end with a Disc Golf Basket or
Target. The player who puts his disc in the basket in the fewest number
of throws wins the hole. The sport was formalized in the 1970s and is
governed by the Professional Disc Golf Association or PDGA. Currently,
there are more than 1,750 disc golf courses worldwide, with over 1,400
in the USA.
Other Sites:
Discraft, The World Leader In Disc Sports: Disc Golf, Ultimate Frisbee and Freestyle
Manufacturer of world class flying discs. Setting the standard for Ultimate frisbee, Disc Golf, and Freestyle. Full color custom Sportdisc printing. ... US Amateur Disc Golf Championship. September 8-10, Milford MI ... and get to the 2006 US Amateur Disc Golf Championship ... month by the Professional Disc Golf Association, who awarded him ... http://www.discraft.com/ Why Disc Golf?
Disc Golf, originally called FrisbeeƤ Golf, is a great sport that can be enjoyed year round by people of all ages and abilities. It combines the fun of Frisbee, with the strategy and scoring of Golf. ... Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas. Disc Golf has been a popular ... http://www.dallasamputeenetwork.org/whydisgolf.htm Dallas Disc Golf Main Page
Premiere Disc Golf infosite for Dallas and surrounding areas, pictures, and driving directions. http://www.dallasdiscgolf.com/ Dallas Disc Golf Directions
Victoria Park - Irving, TX. Take 183 west from Texas Stadium, turn right onto Beltline Rd., right on Northgate at light after passing BlockBuster Music, parking next tennis courts. Holes. Tees. Feet. < 300. 300-400. > 400 http://home.flash.net/~gnduke/direct2/vicmap.html Dallas Ultimate ::: disc in texas
... University of Texas - www.texasultimate.com. Dallas Ultimate - www.dallasultimate.com ... For more information please contact Jim Davis at jimdavistx@attbi.com. disc golf ... http://www.dallasultimate.com/tx_disc.html DFW Disc golf
Dallas, Forth Worth area Disc golf Courses and Information. Click here to send questions or comments. Todays discgolf weather... Enter a City or US Zip: http://members.tripod.com/discgolfing Dallas Disc Golf, BB Owen Park, Dallas Tx
Premiere Disc Golf infosite for Dallas and surrounding areas, pictures, and driving directions. http://www.dallasdiscgolf.com/courses/bbo/ Frisbee Dog Club : Dallas Dog & Disc Club
Home of the Dallas Dog and Disc Club. Dallas' first Canine Frisbee Club. Take a look for information on Canine Frisbee, Canine Training and Frisbee Dogs. ... October 14th, White Rock Lake, Dallas, TX. In conjuction with Weimaraner ... pet related or otherwise) to hold our disc dog tournaments at ... http://www.dallasdogndisc.com/ Disc Golf Dallas Tx - Google Video
... Travel. Western. Disc Golf Dallas Tx. info. error ... ON - OFF. Disc Golf Dallas Tx. dallasdiscgolf.c ... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3307043659557896962 Open Directory - Sports: Flying Discs: Disc Golf: Courses
the entire directory only in Disc_Golf/Courses. BADCO Disc Golf Club of Denver: Courses - Contains pictures, maps, and directions to a course in Littleton and Goldon as well as two in Denver. ... Codorus State Park Disc Golf - Disc Golf at Codorus State park near Hanover, PA ... maps for the area around Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. Disc Golf Directory - Includes a listing and ... http://dmoz.org/Sports/Flying_Discs/Disc_Golf/Courses
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